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What Results Can I Expect After a Chemical Peel?

woman touching face

Are you about to get your first chemical peel? Most people think of red peeling skin when they hear the words “chemical peel.” But those imaginations are the result of old-fashioned chemical peel methods that brought unpleasant outcomes.

However, modern chemical peel methods have far better outcomes. They make the skin firmer and brighter while reducing wrinkles, without the peeling or soreness that would make you want to hide your face.

What Is a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a beauty treatment for your face, neck, and hands. The treatment gets rid of dead skin cells to reveal the healthier skin beneath. There are various types of chemical peels: superficial, medium, and deep peels.

A superficial or light chemical peel uses mild chemicals to exfoliate your skin, and the chemicals only enter the outer layer of your skin. Medium peels use stronger chemicals to penetrate the middle and outer layer of your skin. So it makes them effective in eliminating spoiled skin cells.

Unlike light and medium peels, deep chemical peels use the strongest exfoliator to get rid of damaged or dead skin cells. The procedure is intense, and dermatologists do not recommend having more than one deep peel in your lifetime.

What Can You Expect After a Chemical Peel?

Here is what you can expect after your chemical peel.

  • Downtime

After a chemical peel, your skin may peel for three to 10 days, depending on the type of chemical peel you got. Recovery time for superficial peels is roughly four to five days. During this period, your skin may be darker or lighter.

For medium peels, recovery will take five to seven days, although you may have soreness that lasts for months. Initially, your skin will swell and then form brown spots before the new skin arises. Deep chemical peels take two weeks to recover and for new skin to grow. Moreover, it is common for the soreness to persist for several months.

  • Do Not Forget Sunscreen

The biggest threat to the exfoliation and recovery process is exposure to the sun. Thus, you need to talk to your dermatologist about the best sunscreen to use to keep your skin safe.

  • Keep Your Skin Cool

You should not let hot water close to your face as any swelling can cause post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). These are dark spots that remain behind after a pimple or swelling heals. They can be more irritating and distressing than the swelling itself.

  • Handle Your Skin With Care

Protect your new skin by using products that will stabilize and hydrate it. In addition, work with your dermatologist to learn about after-care treatments that will keep your skin in good shape.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Chemical Peel?

You are a good candidate for a chemical peel if you:

  • Have a light complexion or skin tone to avoid pigmentation issues.

  • Are not using treatments for acne.

  • Do not have a history of keloid scars and similar types of scarring.

  • Have medications or skin conditions that make your skin overly sensitive.

  • Tend to have extremely pigmented scars.

  • Do not get too much sun exposure.

To know what to expect after a chemical peel, visit East Bay Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery at our office in Oakland, California. You can also call 510-451-6950 to book an appointment today.