

Plastic Surgery Blog

San francisco - East bay



Plastic Surgery Blog

San francisco - East bay


Who Is a Good Candidate for Chin Liposuction?

One of the first things people notice in others is their faces. Both men and women worry about their facial appearance. Some people feel frustrated because they have some submental fat popularly known as a double chin. This could be the result of genetics, aging, or weight.

This double chin ages the face, giving an impression of obesity though someone could be in perfect health. This can make the person feel unattractive. Chin liposuction is a procedure performed in areas where it is impossible to lose fat through weight loss or exercise.

Doctors harvest the unwanted fat from your chin and use it on your face to fill in grooves, minimize lines, or plump up your lips. They do this through a small incision under the chin, so you do not have to worry about scarring.

Benefits of Chin Liposuction

Chin liposuction is low-risk and relatively cheap. It can permanently eliminate the double chin by removing the pockets of fat resistant to exercise. This is because the fat cell removed from the face will never come back.

However, if the patient gains a significant amount of weight, it can come back. Secondly, chin liposuction sculpts the tissues along the jawline. Additionally, the procedure defines the jawline, which balances your facial features.

Who Is an Ideal Chin Liposuction Patient?

You are a good candidate for chin liposuction if you:

  • Have bulky or puffy fat on your neck and jawline.

  • Are in good health and within your ideal weight.

  • Have no life-threatening conditions that could interfere with healing.

  • Have firm elastic skin and good muscle tone.

  • Are not under medication such as aspirin, non-steroidal, and anti-inflammatory drugs. They may increase the risk of over-bleeding.

  • Are nonsmokers.


During the procedure, most patients do not feel any pain because surgeons use local anesthesia. Furthermore, this is an outpatient procedure: if everything is okay, the doctor might let you go home as soon as the anesthesia wears off. The pain after the procedure is mild and should go away in five days or less.

Additionally, the surgeon will prescribe some painkillers to help manage the pain at home. Also, expect to experience swelling, bruising, or discomfort for the first four to six weeks. You may need to wear a chin compression garment for the first one to two weeks. This will take care of the swelling. However, the patient can get back to work and daily routines after a few weeks.


This procedure is mainly tailored to the patient's needs. The expected results are that the soft tissues under the chin and along the jaw will be reduced. The neck appears thinner. However, you must have realistic expectations. Additionally, it is vital to note that some results such as a slimmer jawline may take a few months.


This procedure is generally safe and low-risk. However, it may make your skin texture look uneven if the fat removal is done unevenly.

​​​​​​​To know more about chin liposuction, visit East Bay Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery at our office in Oakland, California. You can also call 510-451-6950 to book an appointment today.