Breast Augmentation


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Breast Augmentation

10 Things to Know if You are Getting a Breast Augmentation Surgery

Among all plastic surgeries available in the United States today, breast operations are considered the most popular. If you’re looking to increase your breast size, you might be a good candidate for breast augmentation. But it’s an invasive surgical procedure. Here are 10 things you should know if you’re thinking of enhancing your bosoms with breast augmentation:

You’ll Go Under the Knife More Than Once

Breast implants aren’t designed to be permanent. They mostly leak after a decade or so. Since they don’t last forever, you’ll need to replace them by undergoing another surgery.

There Will Likely Be Some Scarring

About 80 percent of breast operation patients develop scars around their implants. For some women, these don’t seem very obvious. But for others, they can be noticeable, hard, or even painful to touch.

Multiple Surgeries Increase Risk of Internal Scarring

Your plastic surgeon needs to perform revision surgery carefully. This is because breast augmentation procedures make you prone to internal scarring. These scar tissues that have developed inside your breasts can impair the blood supply, which may negatively impact your recovery process.

Teardrop Implants Can Move Out of Place

For many women with petite frames, lower body fat, and limited breast tissue, teardrop breast implants are an excellent option. They provide more fullness in the lower half while mimicking the natural breast shape. But teardrop implants tend to be more difficult to position and move out of place than round implants. Once displaced, you’ll need another surgery to correct the position.

Surgery Using Fat Transfer Has Fewer Complications

The traditional way of enlarging breasts is through implants. But another method, which uses fat transfer, is also gaining popularity. Between the two, breast augmentation using the patient’s own fat is said to be better. This is because your breasts aren’t hardened nor at risk of rejection, as in using implants. Breast augmentation using fat transfer also requires less recovery period.

Implants Need Monitoring and Maintenance

Breast implants can rupture because of several factors. These include natural aging of the implants, trauma from an auto accident, and injection during a biopsy, among others. Although not an emergency, the leaking still has to be addressed right away as it can cause breast pain, soreness, and swelling. It can also result in deformities in your breast shape and size.

Implants May Disguise Breast Cancer

The position of your implants may cover some breast tissues with cancerous cells. Even with the latest imaging technology, there’s a risk that your implants will mask the condition.

The Surgery May Affect Breastfeeding Ability

As with any breast operation, you run the risk of causing damage to the essential nerves and glandular tissues necessary for optimal breast function with this type of surgery. Many patients with implants didn’t encounter issues with breastfeeding after undergoing breast augmentation. But some reported having a reduced ability to produce sufficient milk.

Bigger Is Not Always Better

Some surgeons who agreed to insert larger implants than what was deemed suitable for their patients were usually met with more challenges. These include rippling and overstretched skin. These complications can lead to deformed breasts, which will require revision surgery.

Desired Changes Happen With Time

Besides pain after surgery, you will also likely suffer from swollen breasts that look nothing like those full, perky celebrity breasts. Looking in the mirror within a few days following your breast augmentation may only disappoint you. Your breast tissues need some time to adjust and fully recover from the major surgery. Let your body heal, and soon you’ll see that shape of your breasts changing for the better.

Find out if you're a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery, contact East Bay Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery in Oakland, CA (510) 451-6950.